You Dodged A Bullet!

You Dodged A Bullet

Romans 1:28 CSB “And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, GOD DELIVERED THEM OVER TO A CORRUPT MIND so that they do what is not right.”


Before you and I start feeling too sorry for the narcissist let’s consider some things. The narcissist has rejected God. Hence God has rejected them. (2 Chronicles 15:2) This is why they cannot do what is right. ‘GOD HAS DELIVERED THEM OVER TO A CORRUPT [REPROBATE] MIND.’ Who can straighten what God has made crooked, scripture says? (Ecclesiastes 7:13) Narcissists do not have the Holy Spirit guiding them. Their consciences do not restrain them from doing evil. Rather they are slaves to it. The Bible says their conscience has been seared with a hot iron. (1 Timothy 4:2) Yes, they have no sense of right and wrong. Instead, they call good evil and evil good. (Isaiah 5:20) Another passage says they are trees without fruit; twice dead and uprooted. (Jude 12) There is no life in these folks. Only death. This sad truth can tug at the hearts of those with empathy. But we are not Jesus Jr. We can’t save or make others change. That’s God’s department. The terrible truth is narcissists are gateways to hell.

Narcissists know that God exists. And some of them know they are doomed. Hence their goal is to take as many with them into eternal damnation as possible. The covert narcissist is Satan’s special ops. Always lurking. Stalking their prey with original sin. (Genesis 3:4-5) If you’ve been rejected by a narcissist consider yourself fortunate! You dodged a bullet! These people suck the life out of you. They are spiritual vampires. They have a direct connection with the Devil.🔌 And they want to become as intimate with us as possible. Yes, that means sex. Then through them, we too can be connected to Satan. (1 Corinthians 6:16) This is why they want access to your life. To deliver us to the dark side. This is why they will return if you’ve escaped them. (Ecclesiastes 7:26)


Some believe narcissism is a medical condition. I and others believe It is not. It is spiritual. We know that demons or familiar spirits possess narcissists. Spirits that have been around for millennia. These entities have studied you and me like a book from the womb. They have been monitoring us our entire lives. Their one mission is to take us down to hell. They will use anyone and anything to engage us. Narcissists appear to work best for this. I mean, who would think that cute girl or handsome guy with an attractive smile is filled with age-old demons? Who would think that a significant other who says, “I love you, baby,” is practicing witchcraft? On you? Yes, you servant of God? And before you say like I used to, “Witchcraft can’t work on me I’m a Christian,” keep reading.

Still want to feel sorry for the covert narcissist hitman, hit-woman? I understand, I was there. And these thoughts sometimes reoccur. But I challenge you and I to use our heads and not our hearts. (Jeremiah 17:9) This can be hard especially if you’ve been in a romantic relationship with a narcissist. And it is meant to be by design. This is why they love-bomb and sex-bomb us. Yes, cognitive dissonance will occur. Trying to make sense of it all; the topsy-turvy relationship. This is normal. Ever wondered why you miss them so much even though they brutally abused you? Of course, you have. This 44-second video “How Narcissists Target You!” will explain. Yes, this is witchcraft at its finest; manipulation, intimidation, and domination. These all equal CONTROL. Yes, absolute control over the victim is the goal. And it’s done intentionally. That’s what narcissists want; our total submission, and control over our free will.

Jesus says the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) But the truth must be accepted to get free. Let’s accept the truth: you and I were spellbound by the narcissist. Yes, witchcraft did indeed work on us. Why? One of the reasons is we overlooked red flags. Looking back I know I did. But that’s what happens when you want something so bad. (James 1:14) Yes, a believer in God can be bewitched. (Galatians 3:1) And witchcraft always involves some sort of manipulation, intimidation, and domination which equals control. That’s what happened to us when we were with the narcissist. They were controlling us whether we knew it or not. Remember how this person got you to do things you would never have done.🤔 Think of the sacrifices you made for this relationship. The proof is in the pudding; we were under the spell of the narcissist.

But do not fret. If you are reading this article it is not the end of the world. It can be a new beginning. If you have been with a narcissist you now have knowledge and experience that can be used to help others. Who knows if God allowed this for that very purpose? Or to prepare us for tough times ahead? REJOICE if you’ve gotten away from a narcissist. You dodged a bullet! Ask yourself, “What was I doing before I met the narcissist?” “Was I distracted from my God-given purpose?” If the answer is, “Yes,” repent and get back to it. (Proverbs 28:13) Only this time do it bigger, and better.😊 Doing this is instrumental in breaking the narcissist’s spell. It really does work. Be blessed dear one.

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