1. Here’s my letter to the CDC: dated 02/19/2022

    You kill people unnoticeably and slowly. 
    You are killing millions of people with chemical substances that have nothing to do with a vaccine. You are injecting toxins into people’s healthy bodies that were previously classified as toxic. 
    Nanoparticles whose components consist partly of PEG(polyethylene glycol).
    PEG is a plastic that can only be burned by high temperatures. 
    It is a component of antifreeze and polyester.

    The spike proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are reportedly harmless.
    The fact is that the spikes from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were intentionally designed to be at least as dangerous as the mutated spike proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The dose makes the poison. The spike proteins from the toxic vaccines cause exactly what they are supposed to protect against.
    Check out the link to the research results.

    The spike proteins, which become free floating spike proteins after the death of the inoculated cells, can cause pericarditis and thrombosis. 
    Thereby, the artificially produced spike proteins, are the only thing on which you base this dangerous mass experiment. No one can predict how many people will die or become seriously ill from your experiment. 
    But the claim that pericarditis or thrombosis are rare based on the number of reported cases of death or serious side effects is completely absurd. 
    How many people will get thrombosis and pericarditis can be predicted quite easily. Make it mandatory for everyone vaccinated to have a D-dimer test for thrombosis prophylaxis. Then, based on the cases of thrombocytopenia, you can determine exactly how many people will become ill and die from your poisonous mixture in the future. I call you and your company child murderers. 
    Your vaccines do not protect anyone from infection with SARS-CoV-2. The symptoms are much worse in vaccinated people. I know this from my professional work. And the boostered and vaccinated, are just as contagious as the unvaccinated. Here are several studies that clearly prove that the ingredients of the SARS-CoV-2 shots, are pure poison. 
    Here are 3 reputable research reports dealing with thrombocytopenia emergence from free floating spike proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, increased risk to HIV at risk individuals from adenovirus type -5, and toxicity from positively charged lipid based nanoparticles. 


    Click to access ranit-kedmi-biomaterials-2010.pdf


    If the mass media had not been in sync, these experiments could never have taken place on such a scale. 

    An example that illustrates the bullshit of your vaccinations: 
    9 players of the soccer club, FC Bayern Munich, who were boostered in December, were infected with SARS-CoV-2 in January. One of these boostered players is only 21 years old and he has a heart muscle inflammation. Does this player appear in your statistics? 
    The headline reads: Alphonso Davies , heart problems after Covid 19. The text then mentions that the player was not infected before boosting and is fully vaccinated. 
    What is this mass experiment actually about? How can you prefer a chemical lab mixture, without long term studies, to alternatives, proven and low risk therapies? 
    The fact that you are using falsified data and falsified facts to promote dangerous substances as harmless substances with few side effects is a criminal act. 
    You will all be personally brought to court for this. How many children have you already executed with your SARS-CoV-2 injections? 
    You know the real numbers. Can you still sleep peacefully? 
    God will severely punish all those who are involved in this mass murder. 


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